Originally posted by Darkblack
ok. what you people don't understand is that these people are being chased out of their homes and off their land at gun point. They don't have tanks and helicopters. They have shit with nails in it to strap to themselves as a weapon. We are not giving them money to fight a war but we are Israel. If it was the YOU being pushed off your land and being told that it is not your land anymore that it belongs to the some other religion or group of people would you not fight for it? If they had a lot of money to buy weapons buy you only had homemade weapons would you fight? If you were being told that what you were doing is terrorism but what the other side is doing is right would you stop and say oh ok ill just move...to where?
1) That's not what happening
2) The EU and Arab countries supply PLENTY of money to the Palestinians.
But for you to make statements like this makes me realize that no matter what anyone here says,
you will believe what you want to believe.