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Old 07-30-2011, 03:20 PM   #56 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Originally Posted by carrot glace View Post
after belching i feel 100% better, too bad for me i cant belch when i want to, it tends to build up and then it just explodes, sounds horrible, like if you heard it you'd swear i was barfing, but i'd be like 'god that felt good'
Originally Posted by I_miss_drinkn View Post
i have acid reflux.... started with heartburn about 2 wks ago.... and now acid reflux for last 5 days.... anybody out there with similar issue...? thing is... i love to drink.. dont mind cuttin off sodas and eating healthier... but will i ever be able to drink again? and how long does this acid in my mouth last? am taking reglan to keep food down and nexium....someone please help
I used to be mr. unbreakable stomach... and then WHAM practically overnight I went to barely being able to take dry toast. I lived off of some dry cereal and oats for months before finally saying fuckit and seeing my doc. The idea is I had/have either a bad case of GERD, possibly including a hiatal hernia (basically a bit of your stomach above your diaphragm, like a DIY stomach-band), and/or an ulcer. Burping does make you feel a lot better usually, but it's not a magic cure-all. Same with the pills. If you want to get better you need to do get checked out to make sure you dont have H. Pylori and then probably be religious about your reflux meds until your doc clears you. This is one of those "easy to make worse again" things.

Also @Carrot: I get the exact same thing with just about everything i eat, it's wierd isnt it? Especially when you feel that you have to burp but cant figure out how to get it out.

Originally Posted by Cheater View Post
As stated in the earlier posts, an allergy could be the reason for not being able to consume beer. I can't drink more than one beer, my throat closes up and I can't even swallow a glass of water for about a half hour, so I stick to Scotch. My daughter has Celiac's disease which prevents her from consuming any wheat produce, so beer is out of the question for her (she even has a reaction when her fiancee kisses her after he has a beer).
Yeah that sounds actually in the range of things I start asking people if they have an epipen over... If it's just hops though there ARE beers that are made without hops.

Originally Posted by MSD View Post
This is the single most helpful and informative post in the history of the Internet. Your award will be arriving in the mail shortly.

Branch out and try Rogue Shakespeare Stout and Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout.

Alcohol has calories because it will burn, but they're not usable by the body.

If they all taste the same, macrobrews aren't for you. Try some microbrews and craft brews. I can give you some ideas if you want.

THIS. SO MUCH THIS. I used to be THAT guy. The guy that could drink straight whiskey without making a face but thought every beer basically tasted the same. It's VERY much a learned taste, after tasting (and checking) around I've found in general even american microbrews tend to be extremely hoppy compared to a lot of non-american beers. Part of it is bitterness being more palatable as you age, part of it is pure expansion of palate, and part of iti s that beers really are amazingly diverse. Weihenstephaner Hefeweisen tastes extremely different from Sam Adams Coastal Wheat which tastes surprisingly different from PBR.

I'm a firm convert to the "you just haven't found YOUR beer yet" school of thinking, because saying "beer" is practically like saying "motor vehicle" for how broad the category is.
Originally Posted by Hectonkhyres
I'm imagining crazed dwarves doing profoundly weird things. Urist McNutcase has developed a compulsion to jam anything colored blue up his anus, or alternately other peoples anuses
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