Originally Posted by Lindy
Not bloody likely in the USA. The squeeze the rich crowd would scream bloody murder because the rich would be getting a tax cut.
I'm pretty sure the rich have been winning this battle for at least the last decade. The "squeeze the rich" crowd certainly didn't have a lot of pull when it came to letting the Bush tax cuts expire. The rich don't need you to fight for them. They already own the media and the politicians.
When demand is low, it is hard to find good investments. I have a fair amount of cash on hand that I would love to invest but haven't been able to find anything that offers enough upside to offset the risk. So I've been keeping the cash on hand and paying down debt, but don't have much more to pay down.
So then the natural solution would be for someone, say an organization who isn't beholden to the short-term interests of shareholders, to step in and prop up demand enough for investment opportunities to materialize. Unfortunately, whenever someone proposes this type of solution we hear ill-informed cries about socialism and claims about rich folks being the only ones with the wisdom to turn money into prosperity and all sufficient efforts to bolster demand are watered down to the point of impotence. Then the "rich people are better than you, you rotten fucking leaches" crowd points to the sabotaged results as proof that helping the middle class is a waste of time.