how does one make friends?
I moved to a new town just before Christmas for my job.
Now, 6/7 months later - Im really starting to feel down.
The thing is I have ZERO social life now. I get on fine with people at work, but everyone has their own friends and social circle and I feel like I dont want to intrude. I dont do anything outside of work. I literally play Warcraft, play mindless Facebook levelling games, watch the same DVDs over and over, read the same books.... thats my social life.
I dont have much spare money but that isnt really the issue... I just dont know how to make friends from scratch. I have been to a local pub a couple of times but just end up having a few drinks and leaving without speaking to anyone. Im too fat to play any sports these days.
I dont have any hobbies, I dont know how to get involved in anything.
A girl I work with recommended I did some voluntary work, but I just dont feel confident enough to put myself in that situation.
I know it is my own personality that makes me lonely and at the same time I bemoan the fact that I am, but I dont know how to break the cycle.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas