Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Are you the objective party? 
On this subject, yes.
Will you kindly ask your gut to elaborate on this?
The reason it is a "gut" feeling is because I do not have objective information or data that supports the view I hold. Honesty, requires me to clearly state when I have a "gut" feeling compared to a view held based on hard evidence.
Did I really need to explain that? Have you ever had "gut" feelings? Is it something that only extremists have? Are you just being provocative? what?
Are you suggesting that electric technology is unrealistic and phantom?
Powering vehicles with natural gas would have a big environmental impact immediately at a very reasonable cost to society. Electric, battery powered vehicles depend on coal fired plants and require metals and materials we do not have in abundance. We have about a 300 year supply of natural gas even if we convert vehicles to natural gas. Again, I asked the questions - what does science say? Clearly you don't know, yet the basis of your thread suggests that you would and that conservatives would not.
If science should drive the discussion, the discussion is broader than just the EPA administering new CO2 regulation - I repeat, we need to broadly address the issue through legislation not regulation. If based on that, you conclude that I am against science, so be it.