Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I think I see your problem. You had one guy in your life and online person that you have a stilted picture of.
This kid is controlling and a bit disassociated from the real world. There are big red warning lights going off throughout your post for predecessor behavior for stalking and abuse. He clearly wants you all to himself, and he's already trying to isolate you EVEN THOUGH HE'S NEVER BEEN IN THE SAME ROOM AS YOU.
How did you get to that conclusion from her post?
It was she that 'cheated'. (for the record, I'm not sure why she has sex with someone who she didn't have "romantic or sexual chemistry" with. Or why she thinks the mysterious on-line guy will be any better. Or if you can even cheat on someone you have never met.).
This is just a on-line, long distance relationship where you never know what the other person is doing. The only thing I don't understand is why he never sent you a normal picture of him, yet she sent out nude pictures already...
But, I think you are doing the typical thing to do with on-line relationships, which is to fill in any gaps of information of the other person with your ideal characteristics. It is a blend of reality and fantasy.