Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Liberals are wrong about what?
We have been discussing tax policy. The liberal answer to tax policy and economic growth is a non-sequitur. High tax rates with lots of loop-holes that benefit a few at the expense of others hinders economic growth and hurts the poor or those liberals think or say they fight for. Low tax rates in a simple tax system is the correct approach that will maximize economic growth.
Anyway, I think the last thing America needs right now is another unyielding president. You guys are still assessing the damage from the last one. How deep does it go?
Wrong. Kucinich would have made a better President than Obama. Obama has no conviction. His words have no meaning. His actions lack clarity. He attempts to deceive by taking positions that he thinks are defensible on all angles, but actually leaves him open for attack on all angles and motivates no one to action. Obama is an empty suit, with a good looking smile. America won't fall for his snake-oil pitch a second time.