Originally Posted by Derwood
it's supposed to be, but instead we keep getting circular partisan arguments. I've given up on this. too bad, I thought it would be an interesting thread.
You have given the short answer to the question. There is no shift. The issues are the same. The arguments are the same. The only difference in Republican view point is in degrees. The Tea Party is not the primary voice of the party leadership, but it will be if there is not a shift to the right. People like Boehner believe there can be compromise with liberals and Obama, that is not possible and I think the posts in this thread support that view.
Each day that passes I am becoming more and more of a Ron Paul supporter. Our political system needs a strong slap in the face and we need a guy who is unyielding. Forget compromise, liberals are pure and simply wrong and any compromise will result in a less than correct answer.