Originally Posted by Charlatan
Until the USA adopts English its official and only language I don't see what all the fuss is about.
The US is a nation of laws. Respecting and adhering to those laws is what makes you American. I think too many American get hung up on some vague idea of American culture as it pertains to them while ignoring that America's actual strength comes from the fact that it is made up of differences rather than sameness. Historically, this sort of thing is not common. There are not all that many nations founded on difference and held together by the rule of law (most nations have lengthy history and common cultural, religions or racial ties and many are held together not by law but by decree).
I said it before... get over the assimilate thing. It's retrograde thinking that will lead you back to your colonial roots.
Just to clarify something, making a language the official language of a nation is nothing more than a symbolic gesture with few, if any, actual repercussions.
Having an official language doesn't prevent tv shows from being in Spanish, tv ads from being in Spanish, and the government offering forms and services in other languages.
The French have some of the most strict official language policies in the world, and they still have ads, tv shows, street signs, etc. in English.
In fact, most European nations, despite having official languages, will also have universities offering classes in English, etc.