Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern?
Never forget where s/he came from.
Long story short, I was told I would be a dad once, the first thing I could think of was watching a living being that had grown inside of my then girlfriends body be expelled from her vagina. I knew then and there that would be something I would NEVER forget. What is once seen, cannot be unseen, thus I felt it only fair that I can lord it over my so called spawn for all of their days. No matter what shit they gave me, I could always tell them "You know, because of the sperm I deposited in your mothers vagina with my penis, I then watched you come OUT of your mothers vagina in a horror show of blood, poo, sweet, and pee nine months later."
For reasons I really will not, or ever, go into, that didn't happen.
If I ever get posed with the same prospect again, I'm totally putting all that in the 'dad' bank.