longliveusa, we have a rule against trolling here. That means that if you posting just to get a rise out of folks, we don't allow it. It wasn't until that last post that it even crept into my mind, but it really looks like you're just trying to get some sort of reaction, because you really aren't putting any thought into your posts (at least in an obvious way), and it now appears that you're simply trying to start a flame war.
When you behave irrationally, we're allowed to point that out. Your posts ignore fact and appear irrational. I've actually got the power (as does Baraka Guru) to remove your freedom of speech from this site with ZERO repercussions to either of us or the site in general. That we haven't pretty much proves that no one has "attacked" your freedom of speech. You're just using that freedom to post what appears to be either nonsense, trolling or spittle-flinging rants.
Actually, I like Baraka's reponse a lot better than this one, but I guess someone's got to point out that there are limits to your freedom of speech here. Start spamming us or flaming folks, and you'll find that no website is beholden to the freedom of speech so long as it isn't a .gov.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo