Greetings to all. I am known as Skidder 51. There are times after a hard days work, I feel I need to unwind by posting things of interest, at least to me and hopefully others. Many times, I just want to listen in on a thread or topic that I may have little knowledge of and learn something.
Being a new person on here, I hope to interact and maybe have a laugh or two and meet some interesting people. So with that being said, let me throw something out there.
I have been interviewing people for a sales position in my company. I have met and spolken to some very interesting candidates. some are exceedingly intelligent. Some carry a great deal of baggage. Then there are those that should be looking at another avenue for employment.
My frustration is with the younger candidates. On paper and electronically, they are extremely brilliant. Unbelievable. Where I see many of them coming up short is people skills. I guess to say, the lack of them. I am disappointed in having intelligent, meaningful conversations.
I recently attended a family function where my sisters and their families were all together in celebration of my Mom's 80th birthday. Most of the teenagers and kids intheir early 20's sat or stood around texting. Texting, texting and still more texting. Conversations between us were very cordial but very short and honestly, little interaction. I thought back to my youth and saw a big difference in conversations we would have with older family members. Night and day.
This got me thinking during this interviewing process, that this is a problem with this present generation. I would love to be wrong. I see with all the gains we have made in the computer generation, we have lost the need to verbally carry on conversations with each other except for text, facebook, and e-mails. Just throwing this out there. I appreciate hearing from some of you to hear other views and make sure I am not forming a prejudice. Thanks to all ahead of time for feedback.