Thread: An Act of War?
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Old 03-20-2011, 01:00 PM   #29 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
Turning a blind eye happens every day. You can chalk this up to being human nature, or you can blame the construction known as the nation state and the nationalism that keeps it secure.

The questions arising in this thread to unanswered because there isn't an easy answer. Why are we letting the Somali civil war rage on twenty years and hundreds of thousands of lives later? The Prime Directive?

We wish to look after our own before we look after others. We won't do anything of real meaning unless there is a direct correlation. Unfortunately, it's becoming harder to deny direct correlations---at all. Somalia has pirates. North Korea has nukes. Iraq has oil. Afghanistan has ties to international terrorism.

I guess is all comes down to risk vs. reward. What is the cost/benefit of ending the 20-year civil war in Somalia vs. preventing on in Libya? What is the cost/benefit of regime change in North Korea vs. Libya?

It's not all about morals and ethics and what's right. It's about what leverage you can apply that will most benefit you and your benefactors.

Military forces aren't charitable organizations. Geopolitics aren't known for their moral integrity

Bush Sr. had a UN resolution for the Gulf War. Bush Jr. had one for Afghanistan. Obama has one for a Libyan no-fly zone.

Rule of law? It's a UN Security Council resolution. What more do you need? Did the Bushes need Congress declarations? I didn't think so if it's under the Security Council.
Again, I reiterate, IF we say we love our freedoms and we KNOW there is someone killing innocent people, is it not up to us who elect our officials to stand against those murders and have the conviction to do so? Is it not us, as the electorate, to make sure we elect those who have those convictions? Are we not as guilty by association as those leaders? We look back on history and we had people asking our government the same questions about Hitler. Which we did basically nothing until Pearl Harbor. One of our biggest crimes was letting the USSR go in unscathed to Czechloslavakia, while their leaders begged us for help.

Granted we cannot police the world, but when a people in a country revolt against a known dictator and murderer such as Mubarak, such as Khaddaffi, and so on, then is it not up to us to help them? How long can we allow murder before our conscience and kharma comes back to haunt us as a people?

You say direct correlations are blurry. I say by having Mubarak come to the US and protecting him while he's ordering troops to kill people is a very direct correlation. I say slapping Khaddaffi on the wrist after several wrist slaps is direct correlation, allowing China to exterminate Tibetians is direct correlation. We are selling ourselves for 30 pieces of silver. Am I as guilty? I buy gas for my car so I can travel and buy groceries made in these countries because they are cheaper and more accessible to find than those made here. So, yes by association, I am allowing the murders to continue. Whether I want to or not.

It comes down to comfort and convenience. Am I comfortable walking or riding a bike 20 miles to get that which I need (food, clothing, meeting friends for a day out) well, healthwise I cannot physically achieve that. I have no choice but to drive or be driven using fuel purchased from these leaders that I cannot morally support in any way.

If we wanted to truly end these murderous tyrannies, then we would make examples of the leaders like we did with Saddam. Whether or not you agree with the war, the Iraqians are better off today as a whole. We could and should do the same in Libya with Khaddaffi, and so on. And we should have done it to Mubarak. If they rule by the sword, so shall they suffer.

My belief is we cannot keep selling our souls to these leaders and expect nothing will happen. We have 9/11/01's happen because we allowed these leaders to kill their people and lead by fear and then blame us. The people see that we buy their leaders oil/products etc. and do nothing to close the sweatshops and make sure the wealth is spread around to them. So of course in their eyes we are as guilty as their dictator and we, to them may be worse, because we allow it to go on and seemingly prop up those leaders by buying what they sell and sending aid that we know will never reach the people.

We cannot live in the now. That is not only unwise but will end up costing more millions of lives in the future. We have to look to what we can do to build a better safer future for ALL peoples. Somewhere down the road all of us have to accept responsibility and make sacrifices to spare the people being killed, by taking out these leaders one way or another. Until we do we can expect more and more hatred towards us.

It's the same if you see or hear a neighbor screaming for help. Do you turn a blind eye? If you do, (this applies to many liberals who turn blind eyes to their neighbors and let domestic violence and child abuse continue, because "it's none of their business and doesn't affect them until that person is, if ever, caught by law oficials) then how can you in good conscience be against the death penalty or war? Pacifism is NO NOT NEVER just letting others suffer because doing something right may burden you, it's just not. We are all on this planet together and if you value human life, dignity and freedom at all, you must fight for EVERYONE's right for those, or be prepared to face the outcome that you allowed and made possible.

It's even in our Constitution's preamble......

establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity
by allowing and supporting dictators and despots and countries like China to kill innocent people and not value human life at all, and to support that is in no way establishing justice, domestic tranquility, promoting the general welfare nor securing the blessings of liberty to our posterity. It isn't because when the people revolt against these leaders like Khaddaffi and Mubarak and so on and we sit here and do nothing or worse bring Mubarak/the Shah/Marcos/Baby Doc and so on over and give them safety and not let their people try them and pass their judgement on them then we are telling those revolutionaries "we don't care or support you."

Of course those people are going to dislike us and rightfully so. In their eyes and reality we supported those that literally killed family members, friends, countrymen of theirs and we turned a blind eye and appearred to them to support what their leaderships did. So in essence, the liberal left who think war is foolish and just a way to force our standards onto others for our own gain are screwed up and have no true sense of right and wrong. The conservative right that wants to pick and choose the wars we involve ourselves in are wrong also. You either handle Saddam and then take out Khaddaffi/Mubarak and so on or you do nothing. You can't cut it both ways. You either stand against these evil leaders that kill innocents or you let them go about killing and hope that their citizenry does it for you. It's one or the other. But economic sanctions and blah blah blah mean nothing to these leaders, they just take more away from their innocent citizenry and keep more for themselves and blame the US.

Either way, it's simple. Take them out now, stop supporting them and support the revolutionaries or continue supporting the loss of civil rights and murder and growing hatred towards us. In the end, one requires immediate sacrifice but may insure a better future for our posterity and the other builds hatred and animosity and bad kharmic mojo.

That's my opinion and views on all this. Am I willing to go to Libya and fight for the beliefs I hold, YES, in a heartbeat. Am I willing to make sacrifices that may make my life a little more inconvenient and harder? YES, if it means that countries like Libya and Egypt's citizenry have justice and in turn we develop a better relationship with those countries, I believe that in and of itself will build a better future and less scary one for future generations in this country. Are YOU willing to do that?

Our generation, those of us on this planet right now are just temporarily renting space. Our true duty is to better this planet for those who come after us, not leave bad kharma and burnt bridges to face. Because the sins of the father pass down, whether we believe it or not.

---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:50 PM ----------

Originally Posted by KirStang View Post
Although I'm happy that the USA and UN is fulfilling its role in promoting stability and democracy in the world, I can't help but note that China oppresses and tortures its own citizens, but we're okay with that (primarily because they're a force to be reckoned with).
Why do you think they are buying American debt so fast? Because they care and don't want us to fail?

LOL...... no, so that we don't make waves against their little regime and we support them. So they buy our debt and export to us goods made in child labor sweatshops and we buy it up thinking we are getting a deal. The opposite is truer but we don't allow our collective consciences deal with that. What happens over there happens and we won't concern ourselves, who cares how many die if I can get a pair of Nikes for $160 instead of $200. Who cares if we ship jobs by the thousands to these people and in turn force more of our people into poverty because of low wages? Who cares if we lower our standards of living to match theirs? Who cares if as we watch their civil rights and human dignity fall to agressors so long as we maintain the facade of elections? Who cares enough to speak out and live what is right, even if it is somewhat less comfortable?
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"
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