Originally Posted by Anonymous Member
Ugh, another really bad day. I don't know what to do with myself. I just keep thinking....what's really wrong with suicide?
I mean, it causes terrible emotions from loved ones...but then so does divorce and break ups. How is suicide really any different as far as causing emotional damage to those around you?
It's just so fucking tempting. I have such a curiosity for what's on the other side, combined with all my pain. Its just so tempting.
I feel like a shit that a dog shat out after he ate rotten meat and had diarrhea. Then ate the diarrhea and vomited it back out.
When you divorce of break up, your loved ones are hurt .... but you've not left THEM. They are witnesses, but not victims.
When someone suicides, they get to be the victims ... all of them.
That's a big difference.
Noodle's response about an internet forum only being able to go so far is one I concur with wholeheartedly. Me .. I'm about to go out of the house, but I saw your recent post and was able to get back to you, if only to to make a few lines of comment. You've got to get people around you who are within phone or driving contact.
Sharing is a crucial thing ... you KNOW that I and others hear you ... we read this and wish you well.
Getting some kind of response is also important. You put forward valid questions, and it is right that you make sure you've got people you can discuss them with.
Whether or not you'd been thinking about actually doing it, the questions are worhty to discuss. However, given where you are at, it is important to be able to discuss them at short notice.
When I get home, I'll check on your thread. Twice digested and regurgitated dog-poop is not a good place to be.
take care
[please pardon hasty typos, Anon]