That article is almost completely emotional drivel. A team of psychiatric experts determined that this kid needed help, and yet the article is acting like the mother was victimized by the state. There's no evidence in the article to suggest that the team of psychiatrists made any mistake.
Where should states draw the line between overstepping their bounds to interfere with a parents right to raise their own children? When is it proper for the state to take away a child for their safety?
States shouldn't draw the line, but rather should look to the best science available. This is why psychology and psychiatry exist. The same way medicine exists to understand and deal with the health of the body, psychology and psychiatry exist to deal with the health of the mind. If the kid in the article was coming to school with serious medical symptoms and the school called 911, no one would be questioning this.
It's proper for the leading experts in the area of child psychology to share their best understanding with the state so that the state can make the best objective ruling on when a child needs help a parent can't provide.