Unfortunately, you would get caught. Crippling him or striking him without being seen won't protect you much. Plus, there's a nasty little thread here that would weigh heavily against you if the prosecution ever got their hands on it. You probably shouldn't be asking our advice/discussing this with us and then suggestion you might be doing something illegal... things like this have a way of turning up when you don't want them to.
That aside, do I understand your position? 100%. Absolutely. What would I do? Not something I'd discuss here. Did he assault her? Yes, and she should have reported it to the police. It's a somewhat sad state of affairs, but a realistic one, that the police will believe her more than him in that situation. Even if they do nothing, he's put on notice that if anything happens to her after that, HE is the prime suspect. Sometimes, even with assholes like him, that works.
The secret to great marksmanship is deciding what the target was AFTER you've shot.