Hey GK - just thought I'd pop into the thread to address a couple of things because I saw my name has been coming up.
1) nothing you've said here, neither content nor style of delivery, has made me uncomfortable. Puzzled, a bit. Distracted, perhaps. Not entirely impressed - I have to admit to that one. No discomfort though. As I said in my original post, I've delved rather thoroughly into the more robust forms of delivery and the graphic, explicit modes of expression. That stuff really doesn't faze me in the least. I can modestly state that I can outporn-talk most anyone I know. Not a real claim to fame perhaps, but not a bluff either.
2) I don't think you're an asshole. You may be a bit uncertain as to how to present some things, and it may take a few more trips up and down the ladder to feel more settled when it comes to dealing with and expressing thoughts about your experiences outside of your comfort zone. I do wish you'd take a bit more time to be sure that you yourself read what is in a thread before you do a public fan dance about what you think you've read. We all can try to remember that one. I'm as guilty as the next guy about locking onto some interpretation that really isn't supported by the posts. Then again, this is the web. TFP may have more posters who actually try to respond in a thoughtful way to most any serious issue than you'll find elsewhere, but we can all get our dander up upon occasion.
I just didn't want your OP to get lost in the noise in the signal, so to speak. True, the noise in the signal was actually a big part of the signal, signifying a searching for ways to express or frame what was for you a new way of interacting. In the end I think it (excessive vulgarity when talking about sexual matters) is a bit less successful than what you've been using in your later posts in this thread.
I think so long as the young lady and yourself can find a way to be really hot together without over-reliance on bizzarro porn formulae you will be fine. Hardcore is very cool, dom/sub very hot, but they are part of a spectrum of interaction and not the only colour there is.
my .02
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
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Last edited by kramus; 02-16-2011 at 06:44 AM..
Reason: bedamned spelling