I really don't have anything to say about your current sex partner - other than to say it's nice to hear that you folks are figuring out how to deal with desire and verbalizing what you want. Not everyone gets that opportunity. You both should explore it as far as you're willing to. That and you should be sure to regularly rock her boat with her own 'O's so she wants to come back again and again.
What strikes me is your language throughout this thread. Not having noticed in the past, is this your regular way of putting things down? I ask because you mention that you are a conservative fellow with straight A's in grad school, but your word choice reminds me of the conversations I took part in as a high school student working on a landscaping crew with petty criminals, drop outs, drug addicts and folks who dwelt in the fringes of society.
Guys on long, hot days in the sun with nothing to do but repetitive labour involving shovels and wheelbarrows eventually would have contests seeing who could lard their sentences with the greatest number of expletives while still actually carrying on a conversation. It got to the point where one young guy mentioned his mother asking him to pay attention to where he was during the family dinner hour, and in thinking back he realized he'd asked her to "pass the fucking salt". My dad tells of a navy crewman on his destroyer in WWII who put f-shots in between syllables of words. Tried that, it was fun for a while. Indeed, I am told by my Lady that I have a chameleon prosidy, and will speak in different ways with different people. That range goes from the gentler and more refined conversations with my dear mother down to a robust delivery that gets contractors and service persons howling and slapping their knees.
Where am I going with this? It seems like your vernacular, or reliance on swearing, or whatever you want to call it, colours your posts in a way that I feel detracts from their content. I worry I could devalue your posts myself because I don't value the high content of cusses. I surely am not prudish when it comes to the pungent expressions that emphasize points we make or increase the power of an exclamation. But after a while they just become silly. Do you talk this way in class? While doing job-shadowing or discussing things with your family? I guess I'm saying you should look to find a middle ground, because this little threadjack of mine is here to point out the fact that there are folks who will begin to devalue your contributions if they rely on a rather brutal and harsh delivery in order to share what would otherwise be an interesting or vital point.
Hope this hasn't been a bummer or a mistake to post my thoughts. I only want to be sure that you keep the entire community engaged, because there are possibly things that could get discussed that might get lost if someone stopped reading due to your too strong reliance on crudity or vulgar imagery