Back-tracking: that blog bit, I shut down my account there after I realized I don't think normally, nor can I jot down what happens to me on a daily basis. I'm very goal-oriented, but that's only when I can actually name a goal to be strived for...
this was one of my only posts:
To Every Thing(or 43) There is a Time — 11(+ some seasons, too) months ago
I see time as something to be cherished, not coveted. The moment you lose hope is the moment you admit that tomorrow means nothing. If you can somehow find a way to hang on to the edge of tomorrow, only then can you realize there someone else is on the other side waiting to embrace you. So in this sense, time is no longer the enemy, but merely the guiding force in what we call LIFE.
... after I gave myself the query to write down the first thing you can think of, and spend exactly five minutes composing it. I probably went over.