Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
SF, people are making your claims to be borderline trolling. They referenced your other trollish posts in other parts of the forum.
When faced with facts, you outright reject them. It's good humor for a troll, not for the participants of the discussion.
Well, now there's no discussion at all where there was one
I guess thats better than people having a bit of a laugh.
And since I am now playing a druid, I have met Malfurian.... he has deers antlers coming out of his head. Whether he or was a normal elf he is clearly also something pretty special.
The human king of Stormwind was about my size (as an elf) - which is tall for a man but not out of the question tall. I have met Jaina Proudmore on quests and she was not espcially tall as I recall.
In older editions of of Warcraft they may have made boss characters bigger still and it may happen to a degree, but Thrall is bigger than the leader of the Earthern Ring who is at least equally powerful as a character... and Taurens are bigger than orcs normally.
The half ogre argument really cannot be dismissed as easily as some people want.