Originally Posted by fill23ca
Let Me In (2010) 9/10
This was quite an amazing movie. It's about a bullied young boy who befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian in an apartment complex. It stars Chloe Moretz who stole the show in Kick-Ass, as the young vampire. The film is set in 1983 and it feels like it. It was very well written and directed. I loved this movie because it scared the crap out of me without all the big budget special effects that are there to just try and gross me out.
YouTube - Let Me In - Trailer
I watched this a few days ago. I'd seen Let The Right One In a month or so ago and loved it. They were pretty faithful to the original but the slight changes really made me feel different about the characters. For instance, You really don't get to see anything negative about Owen's father in this version. Abby also seemed more controlling than Eli(The vamp girl from the original.) There were other things too. I also liked the end pool scene better in the original. Just seemed cooler.
Overall, It was a really good remake. They really captured the bleak atmosphere of the original.
9/10 for both versions. (Original slightly better but could be because I watched it first)