It's the same reason that you will sometimes hear the call of the Kookaburra in film set in Central America (Raiders of the Lost Ark), the call of the Red-tailed Hawk used for the call of the Bald Eagle (the Bald Eagle's cry is rather wimpy compared to its appearance while the red-tailed hawk's is very cool).
Sound editors add all sorts of additional sounds to films in post production. Sometimes they add them to make the film sound better (you just know that when they filmed Star Wars, there was no live sound of lasers or light sabres. It was all added in post). Other times, sounds are added to flesh out the scene (probably the case of screeching tires the OP mentions above). In other cases, the sounds are added because it's what we, as viewers, expect. I am pretty sure that many years ago, some early sound editor heard the call of the Bald Eagle and thought, Wow, that's not really all that impactful. What else do we have? Now, we all think the Bald Eagle sounds like the Red-tailed Hawk. It is conventional.
Click these to see what I mean...
Bald Eagle
Red-tailed Hawk