Why do you hear tire-screach on dirt roads in the movies?
This isn't actually a question because I was given the answer and I don't know why it's taken me so long to share this here: The blind.
Every time you hear something that doesn't quite sound proper on TV or a movie; picture yourself looking away from the screen for that moment something happened...
You still knew exactly what happened, didn't you? That's why those sounds are there. They're added in for people that can't see the screen. So, from now on, every time you hear something that didn't quite fit the scenario, imagine if you couldn't see what just happened.
Here's an example:
Someone runs up to a computer to check something out. You're already shaking your head, aren't you? Typing isn't THAT loud. And what the fuck is with the beeps? I've never heard a beep when I click enter! Good thing you're watching because if you were in the bathroom (or blind) you would be wondering how Sara knew the remote connection was through Gabe's computer.
pearls ain't free