Hells Angels - unlike "civilization" do not force me to join them. They do not make me pay taxes, go to school - when I am too little to know what's going on.
Would you be bad, evil, with no laws ? Not - to your friends and family. What about towards strangers ?
Let's say you have lots of friends, and they are all near, and you have everything you need, and you feel ok. Civilization is gone. There are no laws, but you don't need them, you would not steal from or kill your friends. Or rape their wives... Stuff like that. Think laws prevent you from that ? We are not machines.
And you meet a stranger. He has no friends (tribe). He is just passing by. He is afraid (it's a Mad Max world) Kill him ? Rob him ? Just like that ?
Of course there will be "evil" people. And evil groups. You can tell a group is evil - and nothing good can come from them - when they need laws, and force (police) - inside the group else they disintegrate. When there is only one commander, and the rest do as he says - or get punished. Where not their own self respect, but fear of law keeps them from disintegrating. Where some are rich and others starve. Where some own land and others are slaves. And they still dare call themselves a "nation". This is - civilization today. And it's spread over the entire planet.
Growing through the asphalt: Life
Growing through the asphalt: Ancient lives
Forgot to say, the evil group will force all children - into a 12 year prison sentence, at age 6 or 7. When the simple "I have the guns you do the work" - is too obvious, and they try to look good. To make it clear to them "how things are". And the children - will submit. They won't fight back, most of them (too small). "See, no violence here!" will say the rulers. And the parents will submit - "that's how things are" they will say
The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher, by John Taylor Gatto
Molding Minds - Ascent of Humanity
"The child has to become unloving, unspontaneous. He has to deaden his sensitivity just to survive -- every child, more or less; the difference is only of degrees. Every child has to learn tricks to survive. And the basic trick is: never be spontaneous. Be formal, never be natural, because your spontaneity is bound to be punished and your formality praised, rewarded. The parents enforce a subtle strategy: they create fear in the child if he says the truth. Nobody wants the child to say the truth, and the child is not yet capable of Lying. But he has to learn."