Originally Posted by Jove
You could say I went in order of watching Season 1-4 and skipped the additional episodes until now. You are probably going to be slightly upset, but I skipped the original Doctor Who and went straight to the 2005 version.
Oh that's different.. it's both figuratively and literally impossible to expect someone to watch all of the original Doctor Who episodes before starting the revival. Plus, they approached the 2005 revival knowing there would be many people watching who hadn't seen the original, so it's no big deal

(Though, if you enjoy the modern Doctor Who, you should definitely check out some of the older episodes if and when you get a chance

Skipping the Christmas specials though... while I guess they're not
absolutely necessary, they do provide additional background and characterization. (The very first Christmas special, which debuted David Tennant as The Doctor, provided a great insight into what sort of man Doctor #10 was going to be.) Point being, the writers/producers don't consider them superfluous and neither should you

(Incidentally, if you look on IMDb or buy the season box sets, the Christmas specials are included as a part of the seasons.)