I remember guys like this, from my time in Prague.
The skeezy Russian gangster with the off-kilter faux-Chicago accent on Vaclavske Namesti or Wilsonova who offers you "young girls, man...-nice- girls!" assuring you that they love the "work" and will show you a "real good time, my man!" while the girls shoot you that "Oh for God's sake not -another- one!" Amphetamine stare and try to hide the bruises.
Actually, he reminds me more of the Sexpats transiting through and trying to score a little Roma pussy before they head for Thailand or Ukraine. Nevermind the fact that while Roma girls are introduced to sex in their early Teens, the experience of prostitution is unbearably humiliating for them: this'd be why so many of Prague's urban Roma women kept getting peeled off the walls of subway tunnels and scraped off the pilings of Charles Bridge and Most Legii, or found with their bellies eaten away by Lye or battery acid. These guys always seemed to be looking for "friends" to either join them or just validate them, someone to tell them that what they were doing was perfectly fine and that the girl's struggles, pained whimpers, and total lack of lubrication were -actually- signs of arousal.
Guys like that used to show up in my neighborhood pub from time to time, trying to pick up people's daughters or wax poetic about the quality of the Junior-High School pussy thereabouts. I can't remember one of that sort ever leaving under his own power. Once fellow came up to me at the bar bragging about his "extreme" porno with "sweet, fresh girls, man, -young- girls, you get me?" I am proud of very few acts of violence in my lifetime, but driving my elbow into his eye-socket was one of them.
Here's the thing: girls/women in certain cultures are raised to what we would consider an "early" sexuality. For Roma or Hmong girls, for instance, early marriage and sexual activity is expected and even celebrated under certain circumstances. Being forced or paid to give themselves to somebody like our OP, however, who obviously hates them and regards them as nothing but a nice warm hole to fuck and treat as he likes, as bereft of emotions or affect, deprived of even a sense of mutual fun and enjoyment? That's a totally different animal. It's the difference between good old fashioned fornication and Rape. Switters and Bad Bobby Case, their liking for too-young ladies included, would have understood the difference: so would Erroll Fuckin' Flynn.
"I personally think that America's interests would be well served if after or at the time these clowns begin their revolting little hate crime the local police come in and cart them off on some trumped up charges or other. It is necessary in my opinion that America makes an example of them to the world."
--Strange Famous, advocating the use of falsified charges in order to shut people up.
Last edited by The_Dunedan; 11-30-2010 at 06:18 PM..