It seems like the biggest problem is people aren't participating and there is really nothing we can do to make them so... (brought to you by capt obvious)
... I agree there really is no way to "fix" the problems being talked about, the community has followed its own natural progression (not to mention changing internet trends) and what we have today is simply a result of that. If it comes down to having to shut down due to cost, time and such would it be productive to maybe scale back the forum to better represent its current size and function? Personally I have no clue how a place like this is run or how one would go about saving on space or money but perhaps removing ancient threads and cutting out sections that get little to no use might be helpful in making this place easier to run, more cost effective and less time consuming.
Perhaps if that works then slowly rebuild and retool as the site grows and changes. If the forum is consuming less time/energy/money it would free up more resources to try out different gimmicks and ideas that would promote the forum and hopefully help it grow.
Anyway just thought I'd throw that out there.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”