Just took a look at that one and it looks like a good smaller pack that can also be plenty useful for other stuff if it's as durable as they want it to look. I'm a bit iffy on the "modular" backpack though because its basically the size of my current one which is not that big and anything that can be changed around that easy makes me concerned for it's sturdiness unless it's got REALLY beefy connectors or is modular in that they sew it up custom.
Personally I always wind up with classes on two days and I've got a 17"er with an extended battery... and the rain gear for biking and i'm going to start bringing a bento/thermos type thing for food. That basically works out to:
14 x 10 x ~3
11 x 8.3 x 5.7
Along with some odd shaped stuff and some soft stuff. I hate to say it but I seriously considered KirStang's ideas since it looked like it would also be comfy when biking.
Originally Posted by Hectonkhyres
I'm imagining crazed dwarves doing profoundly weird things. Urist McNutcase has developed a compulsion to jam anything colored blue up his anus, or alternately other peoples anuses