If the guy just wanted to vent, that's / for the thread. Sometimes people just wanna bitch and moan about their situation but refuse to change it. They're content to be in shit, like pigs wallowing in filth. If the guy was on the edge of action and ready to jump but needed some personalized encouragement? Well, hopefully "we" provided enough to get him to do it. Either way, this forum--and the Web as a whole--is chock full of the same kinda advice on the same kinda topic. Sometimes people just wanna feel heard and get some validation. As a personal example, there was nothing new 'n amazing about my first few posts here. Oh, no... whiny heartbroken military guy lost his whole world to a cheating spouse. Boo-frickin'-hoo. But I said it, listened to the people here who told me to get my head out of my ass and moved on. Healing takes time, the decision to heal takes a nanosecond.
Last edited by Plan9; 10-08-2010 at 12:37 AM..