Originally Posted by aceventura3
First, to be clear and perhaps so the subtlety of my point doesn't get lost. Government has a role in innovation. The best thing government can do is not get in the way and let emerging markets/goods/service grow. It is possible that government can do the right thing at the right time, however, government's track record of picking winners is poor and I don't not think it is the role of government to pick a side in an honest competitive market.
I don't buy into - government helped create the internet point of view. I do understand how some do, however.
So, you dont buy into the fact that government funding of the development of the National Information Infrastructure helped create the Internet? Wow.
Would internet entrepreneurs have created it on their own? Perhaps over time...a long time and at significant costs.
The foundation (NII) was created by the government in order to stimulate private entrepreneurship. A classic example of how government spending can and does stimulate private investment.