Originally Posted by Tully Mars
I'm not sure that's a completely honest assessment either. The "Tea Party" folks seem to be made up by combining a lot of different ideologies. I have a couple friends who I know support the Tea Party and neither of them have any real serious religious views. They just believe they're getting screwed tax wise and want that to stop. I think they're wrong. I think they're probably not paying their fair end of things. But that's all debatable. I wouldn't say either are religious nor anti-intellectual.
About the only thing I can say I firmly believe all the Tea Party people have in common is a serious dislike or even hatred for anything Obama does.
I'm surprised that I am defending the tea party, but there are blue dog democrats, environmental dems, gay dems, feminist dems,...
It did start as a anti-tax, anti-government regulation organization, and has recently shifted to take a more moral, pro Christian agenda. But, they still accept people who are for smaller government as long as they vote with them on social issues.
The Republicans used to have a big tent as well, but the tea party has shifted the values to the right, and has left a lot of people with nowhere to go.