Originally Posted by snowy
So the pale ale turned into an India Pale Ale...
Good call. Hops are good and the world needs more of them.
I have an IPA bottle conditioning now that I'll refrigerate come Tuesday for about a week and I'm kegging a new IPA recipe I made with Magnum, Centennial, Cascade and dry hopped with Cascade and Citra today. I'll force carb it in the kegerator and start enjoying it next Sunday. Both of them were fermented with Northwest Ale yeast that should have done well with the warmer temperatures we had a while back.
I'll taste a sample from the secondary today of the batch I'm kegging and hopefully it will be good enough that I can buy some grains and brew it again in time for the current keg to kick. I already have enough hops as this is a good time of year to buy them in bulk as suppliers want to make room for this year's harvest.