Well I may excel at burning scrambled eggs but I've perfected the fuck out of my Great Uncles Bean Hole Bean recipe! He used to start these the morning before a hunt, a day fishing, picking fiddleheads or a harvest and my GOD are they good if you have the time, energy and drive to cook them.
Bean recipe:
12 c dry beans
1 tsp pepper
6 tsp dry mustard
1/2 lbs salt pork
1 c brown sugar
2 onions
1-2 tsp salt
1 c molasses
Soak beans overnight, drain, cover with fresh water, heat slowly (keep the water below boiling point), cook until skins burst (take a few on the end of spoon and blow on them, if cooked the skin should burst). Scaled pork and scrap. remove 1/4 inch slice and drop it in the bottom of the bean pot. Put the beans back in the pot and drop the rind on top (leave it exposed). Bring left over water to a boiling and add 1 cup to salt, molasses and sugar mixture and pour it over the beans.
The Hole:
1 Iron Kettle
fire logs
kindling sticks
a pant load of small rocks
3 Tire rims
A heavy iron cover large enough to fit the tire rims (man hole covers work...you figure out how to get one like I did)
Long chain of some sort
Dig a hole deep enough to stack the three tire rims. Using the kindling start a fire at the bottom of the pit, once a-burnin' stack the logs and small rocks and let it burn to a nice bed of coals. It will be ready when the rocks are glowing red and the ground around the hole is hot to the touch. Shovel the hot coals and rocks into something (a wheelbarrow works). Attach chain to the pot of beans and set it in the bottom of the hole and -this is important- leave the chain outside of the hole its how your going to fish this hot fucker out of the ground. Place the heavy iron cover across the tire rims and shovel the hot coals, rocks and sand on top - pack tightly and let sit a minimum of 6 hours.
Serve with some freshly shot venison steaks/burgers or the days catch, grill some corn on the cob over a fire, boil up some fiddleheads, throw in a case of cheap beer and your good to go. The camp fire that night may not smell like heaven but it sure as hell will feel like it.
This can be a lot of fun for a big gathering, kids especially like helping with the bean hole...your drunken hunting buddies...not so much you'll probably be on your own so get a good nights sleep while the beans soak.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”