Job Qualification Rant
So recently I've been looking at linkedin profiles of people I work with or use to work with. Some people will post essentially their entire resume onto their profile. It amazes me how many people up sell or boast about their job qualifications. I work in engineering and frequently I work in a team environment; so I know I have a decent idea on what projects are considered menial or innovative. I've seen examples of which people will describe certain projects as something highly complicated and difficult but this person was able to complete it because they have the experience and training. The training may simply consist of reading a manual.
There was a manager that got fired a few years ago where I worked. I stumbled on his profile and the title he gave himself was "Visonary Entreprenuer and new products/operations expert with dynamic leadership in people management "
WTF does that mean? It seems people will label themselves "expert" in an area, if they have just some form of experience in it prior.
Is this just because there is a recession going on? Are people artificially portraying themselves to be professionals that they are not?