Sandor Clegane is probably one of the most interesting characters in the entire series. He is easily the most ruthless, most vicious, and most understandably pissed-off of the "bad guys," but as with most of Martin's heroes and villains he remains ambiguous. His martial skill and immense ferocity are legendary: but what we only see through Sansa's eyes is the fact that Sandor is (or was at one point) probably a much kinder, saner counterpoint to the monstrous Ser Gregor. He clearly has an emotive, empathetic side, and he's no dummy. However, thanks to his hideously scarred face and his family's equally hideous reputation, he finds himself forced into the role of the attack dog, no good for anything except kicking and killing: kicking when you're pissed, and killing your enemies when you've done with kicking him. He cannot take a wife: with no lands or Knighthood or Lordship, his prospects are dim at best and only worsened by his face and reputation. Worse yet, he cannot attract a woman on his merits: Sansa's fear and revulsion of him despite his protection of her must cut straight to the man's blasted, burned soul. His only companionship is whores and drink, and that gets -old- for a man of his age, with his accomplishments.
Consider; Sandor -should-, by all the rules of his society, be quite a catch. He's physically powerful, a renowned warrior and soldier, known as able and intelligent and even forebearant at times. But thanks to his injuries and his brother's standing and reputation, Sandor finds himself untouchable and essentially unpromotable. His only advancement in life comes as a backhanded compliment: Joffrey (whom Sandor despises) advancing him to a White Cloak which Sandor himself regards as a sign of political acumen and physical weakness, and unearned besides: this -especially- because said cloak was stolen from the shoulders of Barristan Selmy, of all people! Talk about being made a fool! A man who values honesty ("I like dogs better'n men. Dogs don't lie.") to such a degree that he refuses Knighthood simply on principle (because Knights, like his brother, are brutal liars without even a dog's honor) being subject to the whims of a shit like Joffrey or a sociopathic viper like Cersei must gall him terribly, and to be made fool of besides?
As I said, a very interesting character. There's more to Sandor that I won't go into here, but he's one I have my eye on.
Last edited by The_Dunedan; 08-10-2010 at 01:52 PM..