Sorry, Liv. That's not the one. Though the "Aqueduct" part is correct so you get partial credit and a gold star on your forehead
Thanks, amonkie. For a minute there I was losing my hope for huMANity when you stepped in to save the day.
Yes I am at the Delaware Aqueduct, the longest aqueduct in the world. And as you so astutely pointed out, it is also the longest underground tunnel in the world at 85 miles long (137 km) and 13.5 ft. wide (4.11 meters).
The Delaware Aqueduct carries approximately half of the New York City water supply of 1.3 billion US gallons per day.
This is sort of a strange, funny fact: the Delaware Aqueduct leaks up to 35 million gallons per day. But probably not so funny if the leaking is causing flooding of your home! Maybe they should see if BP can help them plug up those leaks.
Delaware Aqueduct - this is the obligatory Wikipedia link ...hey, with the huge leaks, this one should be in Wikileaks!!!
Tully, TFP's most famous diver, might be able to help with this problem plus when he talks he'll sound even more like the chipmunks than usual
Drying Out After a Month on Helium - Tully Mars please come help and make big bucks

A shaft of the Rondout-West Branch Tunnel, part of the Delaware Aqueduct in Ulster County, N.Y., during rock-clearing work in 1942.