Small-minded individuals, and populations of those same like-minded individuals, have this incessant need to compartmentalize genres and groups of others (read as: foreigners) to some basic, yet mistaken, tenet of what they represent in the eyes of outside observers.
Simplistically: this is defined as
(Tutor's tip: A "bigot" (person with intolerant prejudices) can "beget" (cause) anger. - good to know, Word Tutor.)
As such, this is a story, however unheralded I'd wish it to be, but a story regardless, where we have this bigoted (contradictory) church burning Korans for reversal reasoning, in what I can fathom, as a ritualistic effigy for the Muslims that they may view as their current enemy, whereas previously, they might have burned other effigies in regards to their previous enemies (who knows?). So, they go about burning 'Qurans' and blabbing to the news stations that they'll be doing the same thing next week, (bring some freedom fries!) and then burning 'Qurans' some more, (perhaps buying them solely in order to burn them?) in order to stick it their enemies, the Muslims, who have oppressed them for so may years, I'm assuming, in their quaint town in Florida. Or maybe they don't like "terrorists"? Yet they associate them with Muslims, when the overwhelming majority of surviving militant Muslims (the cultural / land grouping, not the faith practioners) have in essence, renounced their religion by violating its basest tenets of moral objectivity. So, again, what is the point? To provoke dim-witted controversy.
I just came across a story where some semi-well-known renounced her religion of "Christianity" on Twitter, for the very basic reasons that she is pro-this, pro-that, and pro-positivity, which leads to the inference that she is fed up with "Christianity" because she narrow-mindly views the group as against all the things which she likes politically, and feels hurt because she no longer wishes to associate with the very vocal minority (however underwhelming it actually is). This is yet another example of dim-witted controversy.
There's many different sects and practices of the branch of Protestant Christianity in North America, and the one that usually is asociated with these sort of controversial dealings, I notice, arise from the South. It amazes me how often I forget that Florida, and many of its counties and residents within, identify primarily with what we see as "the American South", or how others may deem it fit, "rednecks" (there's bigotism coming right back around).
This is just too simple a spiel to debate so profoundly: dumb people will do dumb things just to get undue attention for a cause that is wholly "bass-ackwards" (like posting on a message board where everyone hate you).