I must remember, however, that within the intuition, instinct and honesty one must still recognize humanity, history and science for these are the evolutionary tools that have helped teach us the perspectives from which each individual perceives these "gifts" of their singular reality and that not all individuals intuitions, instincts or honesty necessary arises from the same cauldron of experience.
Each pot of stew (ones life experience and how they perceive them) tastes different and what I like may not be appetizing to you so I must break down the ingredients and explain why I make my stew the way I do and then taste yours and from the blending of our ingredients (that which we like about each others perspectives on feeding our own souls mankind basic goodness) we can create a meal that may truly feed our children with even greater intuitions, instinct and especially a honesty that is universal in its kindred desire for humanities cohesive living experience.
you can tell them all you want but it won't matter until they think it does
p.s. I contradict my contradictions, with or without intention, sometimes.