Hello fellow TFPers. I have a problem.
My fiance is in graduate school and is currently taking a design class for Technical Writing. They have quite a few projects to complete in a short amount of time. These projects require a lot of work on InDesign. She is still learning the program, but there is another problem: she needs to use images for these projects, and I told her that as long as her work wasnt going to be sold by the teacher then she would be able to pull images online and not really have to worry about copyright infringement. The problem is that the teacher may actually use someone's project for her clients, so all images have to be 100% paid for. This is the most expensive class she has ever taken, more than 2x as much as the other classes in the program, but they have no library of images that the students can use. They must pay for their own images. This can get very expensive and we simply do not have the money.
Is there a place to download images that does not require paying anything or stating the artist's name on the project? The instructor will not allow the students to state the artists' names on their projects. Or maybe there are some TFP artists that have some original works that they wouldn't mind donating to a worthy cause. Please help!