Ah! Well, we are doing full boils. My buddy believes the beer will be better if all of the water is present during the boil. However, we did a partial boil for our mead.
We were going to go to Lowes and get copper tubing and make our own wort chiller. Do you run tap water through your chiller or do you run colder water using some more elaborate technique?
For what it's worth, we are using WYeast Liquid. We are also using sanitizer, not bleach.
The Honey Weizen is bubbling up through the blowoff valve pretty hard. We have several bubbles a second. It's been going about 40 hours now. We won't be able to move it to the secondary until Monday night, as I'm away for the weekend. Either that, or we move it Thursday (or get some help from someone else).
Gives a man a halo, does mead.
"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."