I would also agree with popo's statement, in theory- I just don't see how, despite all the talk about it, how it is actually possible to make 2 sovereign countries west of the Jordan. I think people forget that we are talking about a very small place. Also, the "west bank"(in quotations because it only aquired that name when Jordan illegally occupied it- the west bank of the Jordan river) is the high ground. Whoever controls the hilltops can shell the galilee. If there is a palestinian state there, a 23rd arab state, who will make sure it isn't a terror state? Will they be allowed an army? What if the arabs try to attack Israel again, and "Palestine" opens its borders to them? Who will control the airspace? The resources?
Basically, I think this was best summarized in an article I read by Daniel Pipes, written in the early 90s, I don't see how it is in any way possible to create this new state built on 50+ years of hatred and terrorism against civilians, without just creating a scenario that will inevitably lead to war. If there are 2 states there, it won't work, and there will be a war that destroys one or the other. Since that could possible be a nuclear war, in the worst case scenario, and since the 2 state idea is in actual, on the ground reality really unrealistic, I do not support a Palestinian state west of the Jordan.
Since it was the Palestinians who walked away from the peace talks, and who have overwhelmingly supported truly sickening terrorism against innocent people, I think that it is their side that should pack up and leave. Israel is less than 1% of the landmass in the middle east. The arab world is not only humongous, but in many places very underpopulated. The world should set up a palestinian state somewhere else, where both parties then will be able to live in peace, without the risk and overwhelming likelihood of all out war. Also, the reason the Palestinians hate Israel so much is mostly jealousy- watching the Jews come and build a 1st world country in 20 years, when in the arab countries there is no economic infrastructure except for oil, which keeps the autocratic governments riding high on the hog while the normal people are barely able to feed their families. Giving them their own country will only fan the fire here, since at least they can tell themselves(as they do) that the real reason their society and economy is so backwards is because of their lack of political independence, as opposed to corruption and political manipulation by their leaders (and skimming off the top- Arafat has a personal fortune of over $300 Million).
I also think it is rewarding terrorism, and an undermining of the war on terror that we are supposedly serious about to give them a state of the past 2-3 years of unrelenting murder of Israeli civilians. Now don't get me started, this is not to say that the Palestinians don't suffer either, but their suffering is a direct result of the terrorism.
Truth is peace. We are all souls in bodies.