Originally Posted by Seaver
...In addition, I don't believe you understand how the Muslim world faiths are built. The Qur'an is a very, very, short book. It has a couple of laws and teachings, but one can pull very little from it. These are the words of God in their faith. Where the Imams get their bat shit crazy stuff from are almost always from relatively innocent statements in the Haditha...
But the problem is that then we fall into what is basically a No True Scottsman fallacy of redefining what constitutes as "true muslim" to the point where there are more that aren't than are.
Your mother should read older interpretations of the Bible. In the High Middle Ages, they actually understood the bible's complexity much more than we do today. They understood then that the Bible is not the word of God, as they had various Bibles which said different things. They also cared enough to research the historical allegories, to understand the meanings within different statements. Us reading the Bible today is like a Chinese man who's just learning English reading a statement of "one in hand and one in the bush". We understand the phrase, broken as it is, but there is no way that man would possibly understand it without the proper education on the phrase...
I've suggested this to various people before as well. A good place to start is learning hebrew, or at the very least using jewish copies of the bible. It's kind of hard to continue misinterpreting a mistranslation when you've either read or have the original and common mistakes are pointed out to you.