I just played for 4 hours straight without realizing it. I'm trying out a deck I built. It's not great b/c you don't get many uncommon/rare cards in the starter pack. But I'm having fun anyway. The beginner room for matches is doable with your starter pack.
Originally Posted by blahblah454
Back to the MTG online goodness. The thing that I would fear with this is spending insane amounts of money on it, I get so addicted to collecting these things and making both good playable decks, and fun theme decks.
I know what you mean. I'm promising myself that I'll spend less on this than I did playing WoW, even it if means only one or two booster packs a month.
I assume there is CPU matches as well?
Not that I know of. I don't think so. The only single-player option I've seen is solitaire. Which is kind of weird; you play against yourself.
Originally Posted by telekinetic
Pro tip: Never just buy packs, always play draft events. Best bang for the buck that way.
Is this an online thing? I know there are events online, but I don't know anything about them.