You can get hydrogen peroxide cheaper by itself, but I wouldn't wash colored clothing with it. It may lighten fabrics. It will work with whites just like chlorine bleach, though. Sodium carbonate (look for Arm and Hammer's Super Washing Soda) makes a great laundry booster, as does the 20 Mule Team Borax I mentioned. I wouldn't try to mix them together as you won't get the same ratio at home that you get from the sodium percarbonate in the OxiClean.
However, hydrogen peroxide is my cleaner of choice when it comes to the bathroom--it kills mildew better than the harsh mildew removers by Lysol, and it's waaaay cheaper. Just put it in a dark spray bottle, or cover a clear spray bottle with duct tape or something, as it will lose effectiveness when stored in a clear bottle. I have a clear bottle for mine but only put in what I'm going to use in it.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau