Originally Posted by guttercup
Heh. That was taken at SXSW this year... I have one like it in my many many photos of that 2 week span
That's a good eye, there... I was going to include that info into the caption, but then people might have asked my why, exactly, was this photo was taken at South x Southwest, and I wouldn't have an answer for them. It's just a spontaneous moment of needing to create architecture, I guess.
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Mike Stimpson (aka Balakov) recreates classic moments using LEGOs.

Original photograph:
Lunch Atop a Skyscraper by
Charles C. Ebbets

Original photograph:
V.J. Day, Times Square by
Alfred Eisenstaedt

Original photograph:
Behind the Gare Saint Lazare by
Henri Cartier-Bresson
all parodied photo creations (c) and belonging to
Mike Stimpson.