It sounds like you have a hard problem to solve, stuck like this, I'm sure your tired of the hooded remarks. It makes me think of episiotomies, "to rip or to cut" repeat as delivered. So right now you are basically ripping the skin when you have sex, this creates all kinds of possible issues, including increased risk of serious long term problems not to mention the increased risks that occur when the protective skin is opened, even a little.
The odds of a mistake in this corrective surgery are slim, especially if you take the time to insure you have a good Dr. who has done this before with lots, lots, of positive outcomes. And make sure you have your advocate with you in the hospital, always.
After 28 years of dealing with this issue, o.k. 10 or so, I would be ready to try a new way of enjoying my life. This procedure done right takes less that 30 minutes and after 4 to 6 weeks is over, or you can continue the rest of your life in this same sticky situation. I say go get unstuck, worry once now, or worry every time you have sex later.
All surgery is scary, all surgery has risks, does the risk out weight the return? I think in this situation, the risk is so minimal compared to the reward of pain free sex for the rest of your life (so speaking) I would scarcely hesitate, but then after the surgeries I've had, and the risks that have occurred I understand you fear. I would still have my surgeries done as the prior was far worse than the later, even with the mistakes. And I still have more to go, with a risk just as high or higher.
It really comes down to, are you done living with this pain to the point that you are ready to take a risk to try something different, something that 90% of the time will not just improve your sex life, but improve your life all together, when you get there, you will be ready. It sounds like your getting close. It will be o.k. (the repair), it will be better (the sex), keep telling yourself this, a positive attitude always helps, even when your faking.
Look to that moment 3 months from now when your resting in that after glow of amazing sex and wondering why you waited so long.
Best wishes to you Healer, I know how scary this must be, it will be o.k., no, no, IT WILL BE BETTER!!!!!! Positive attitude, It WILL be better.
p.s. once again, question your Dr., dot your 'i's" and cross your "t's", make sure you "know" who is doing this and that they have done this before, A LOT, now is not the time for a newby. Do everything you can to relieve all the worry you possibly can, then take a xanax and just get it done.