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Old 04-26-2010, 08:11 AM   #3 (permalink)
Apparently one of your child prodigies doesn't really appreciate any of the primary political candidates...

(3 part series, this one is on the libdems which your article mentioned before conservative or labour)
YouTube - AdamzoneTopMarks's Channel

On immigration specifically, I live in Texas and I know all about it.

Before the illegal immigration thing became such a hit, there weren't nearly as many "GET SOME FREE MONEY NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE (WASPS need not apply)" programs as there are now.

Also, the majority of all manual labor jobs in this area employ illegal immigrants. Problems with this include - shitty work, redoing shitty work, the redo still being shitty(and now forgotten), no available labor jobs that don't require you to be able to communicate with an entirely spanish workforce, etc etc.

ALSO, crime has gone WAY up in the cities that have been especially friendly to illegal immigrants.
The problems have been exacerbated somewhat due to some "legal segregation" going on down here.

Or, in other words, let's make this city ULTRA SUPER cheap to live in, so that not only will the illegal immigrants from the South be here, but ALSO will a significant portion of the financially troubled black people from a few minutes North (because they want to move the hoodrats out of an otherwise decent area that is beginning to flourish.).

These two groups don't get along by default.

It works because - White people don't want to move to Pasadena because Pasadena is a hispanic city now. They don't want to live there no matter HOW MUCH Pasadena wants to PAY THEM to move in.

Black people, on the other hand, appreciate being given 8 grand + another 2 to 5 grand + another couple of hundred dollars + a tax break + etc etc etc when they move to a city, regardless of what city that might be.

Hispanic people being given consideration -- OF COURSE THEY WANT TO LIVE WITH EACHOTHER! It's just like back home, except now they have air-conditioners, and they can drink the water without going to the hospital. Shit, there's a hospital to go to! Quite a few, in fact.

How has immigration effected me? It made me a foreigner in the place I grew up. Very little reminds me of anything from when I was a kid.

Business is no longer honest.
WinchesterAA is offline  

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