"Deadliest animals", (and a few off-tracks) not just those that are dangerous if provoked. (or those found on the mainland of Australia)
Worldwide, the first 15 or so animals I posted are, statistically, the most deadliest animals known to man, well, because, on a yearly basis, they kill so many men, women and children.
You also notice I didn't post the most venomous, or the most vicious, or the most poisonous animals because people know to avoid them, or the toxins they inject don't work fast enough before people realize they are ill, and seek antibodies to cure them.
All of the above (save for the bears, and the posts after the great white shark), are currently the wildlife that kill the most number of people in the world annually, and that makes them BRUTAL. (not my word)
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi