I fully agree with all of you. My internship is a godsend and I'm very grateful for it
The thing that bugs me though is the last intern had the exact same thing happen to her.
1. 3 month internship
2. 4 month internship extension
3. no full time hire
My manager told me "we'll have to check our budget and talk to HR about how long we can keep you" and then my internship extension was identical to the last intern. I'm starting to suspect what my manager tells me is just a song and dance...
Another thing, offering an extension that is longer than the initial internship period is sort of a way to flatter the intern, enough so he/she will be less sore about not being hired as a full time?
I'm probably way overthinking this, but if anyone with a corporate HR or manager (with hiring decisions) type of position know anything about this, I'd appreciate your insight.
Again, this internship is really great, I'm extremely happy with it and I will continue working hard with a smile on my face for as long as my superiors will let me.