I am loving this whole Obama presidency thing, to think I was all against him being president, (I was going to do the Alec Baldwin thing and leave the country when he won) All the years I paid taxes and didnt get squat out of it, woot!!!! Bought another house in 2009, It has been more than 5 years since the last, guess what? I recieved $8,000 extra dollars in my return this year, while I rent my 1st house out for twice the amount of my mortgage on it. Thank you Obama and your minions.
I already recieve free health care, if you want to consider tri-care good health care, government run red tape, bullshit is what it is, I prefer the VA hospital but it is a 45 minute ride, If this bill makes all you democrats fell like winners, then celebrate, dance in the streets, i believe it has weakend the country, not for the fact of what it is, but how it was obtained.
Where is Darwin when ya need him?